Share a dataset

Share a dataset

Share via URL (link)

Users with Org admin, Group admin and Data Publisher roles can share a dataset by copying its URL (link) and sending it to someone.

The access level to the dataset for the user receiving the link is determined based on the dataset settings.

The user receiving the links may be prompted to create an account on uSmart or log in.

Share by adding a user

Users with Org admin, Group admin and Data Publisher roles can share a dataset by adding a user. They will get a Viewer role. If there’s a need to give them another role: Data Provider, Data publisher or even a Group Admin, then they should be added to the group where the dataset is hosted.

Request access to dataset

If a dataset is discoverable by the public or members of an organisation (see dataset settings) by publishing its metadata, a user may request access to it.

To request access to a dataset a user is required to have an account set up on the platform. The data owner will grant access to the dataset. The user will have View only permissions.



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