Downloading data and datasets

In uSmart it is possible to download the full dataset and in a variety of formats if created in those formats by the publisher. Once you have found the dataset of interest simply navigate into the dataset by hitting the datacard.

Once in the dataset you will see the file options for download. If you only want to consume subsets of data or in other ways follow the guidance here.

Downloading data from Real-time Datasets

Real-time datasets are not stored as flat files normally but those can be requested

Datasets <10,000,000 rows

For most datasets from within the Data Explorer card you can filter the data as described here then request a CSV or JSON of the results.

This could take a moment to compile the data with larger volumes or with larger datasets use the Bulk File Download method

Bulk File Download

This method is only available to real-time datasets and must be enabled to function. We would recommend enabling this for datasets with >10million rows or more than 1GB where users are expected to download the whole dataset periodically.

Step 1

Navigate to a real-time dataset you wish to enable bulk file download for and select the Real-time Data Access card.

Step 2

Select Bulk File Create to enable bulk file download

Depending on the size of the data the system will take a few moments to enable the request. What is happening is the data is being compiled into a file ready for download by multiple users.

Step 3

Once processing is complete any user with access to the dataset can navigate to the Real-time Data Access card to download the file

As data is added to the dataset the file is rebuilt once per day overnight enabling users who periodically analyse the full dataset to have that available without delays associated with compiling very large datasets.