Review and explore datasets

Review and explore datasets

Once in a dataset you will see the main metadata and options for accessing the data. This will give you an understanding of what the data is and what is included within it.

There are a number of key options for accessing the data that you can choose between:

  • Data download

  • Data explorer

  • Visualisations

  • Real-time data access

  • Map

Data Download

You can simply download the full dataset by selecting the download function and opting between csv and json for a file download. This provides the full dataset. Depending on the size of the dataset it may take time to compile and make available for download. Once you select download you can check on progress by selecting the area in the top right corner which will let you know when the data is available.

Even if you are not logged in, and as long as you do not close your browser, the data will be made available to you via this box. You will also receive an alert if you are in the browser indicating the file is available for download.

Data Explorer

The data explorer allows you to sort and filter the data in each dataset with a view to understand it in more detail and ultimately create a subset of the data for download (i.e. the bit you are interested in). You can filter by using simple parameters such as in the example below:

  • Estimation_method = Counted

  • AADFYear > 2014

Again the data can be downloaded as a csv of json file or the API can be accessed by clicking the API pop out window “open this query”.


Data visualisations are created by the Data Provider/ publisher and can be accessed and viewed in the “Visualisations” tab. Further information on creating these visualisations can be found here.

Queries & Real-time data access

Data can be queried by opening up the query box (as illustrated in the image above) and editing directly the URI and following the URQL manual or via the various routes for URQL querying including real-time and static data API connections, etc.


You can also explore the data if it includes geospatial data in the map explorer tab within the dataset. An example is shown below to allow you to gain spatial understanding of the data that exists.


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