Add a site map image (for reports)

Add a site map image (for reports)

This article outlines how to add an image for a traffic counting site that can then be used in the generation of reports.

Step 1 - Find the site

Go to the reports page and use the map navigation options (text search or pan and zoom) to find the newly added site. Zoom to a point where it is close enough to see where the site is in proximity to nearby settlements but not too close as to be unclear. Click on the site pin to bring up the site information and use the “print screen function”.

Step 2 - Create a jpeg

Open Microsoft Paint and paste in the image. Use the crop select tool to remove the uSmart border and text select element but retain the site information and nearby settlements for identification. Save the picture as a jpeg with the title “site_number.jpg” for example “497.jpg”.

Step 3 - Save the image

Once saved upload to the AmazonS3 file location provided in this hyperlink. And that should be it! Once your new site is uploaded it should appear in a report.

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