Checking data before generating reports

Checking data before generating reports

If your user licence has “reports” enabled you may wish to eyeball the data before you create an output report.

Check data exists (simple - option 1)

The easiest way is to use the report generation tool where after selecting the dataset type and the site the dates appear between which data exists. As shown in the following screenshot

Check data quality (manual - option 2)

If you are looking to review in more detail the data itself then navigate to the dataset and select the filter. Choose an element you are interested in exploring, in the example below this is “site” and we have selected site 1033. Then sort by timestamp so that the data is ordered from oldest to newest (for oldest to newest the timestamp symbol has the smallest lines at the top). You may also wish to select another subset of the data such as “lane” in this example.

Finally, go to the bottom below the data and select to view 100 lines of data on the right hand side. You can then go through and review the data manually a page at a time. If the data is too large to do this then jump to option 3 below.

Check data quality (visualise - option 3)

Creating a visualisation requires a little practice. In the same way as you selected the data above for one site, filter the data and sort by time and choose a lane. Then copy the urql query by right clicking and copying as shown below.

Then hit the visualisation tab, select “Add Data Vis” and then choose the line graph. Now we need to create the visualisation. Once you are in the Create Visualisation Wizard paste in the query you just copied and manually edit the limit to “-1” - this means there is no limit and all the data will be shown.

Choose your x axis and y axis values. In this example, timestamp is for the x axis and speed for the y axis.

If you want to graph the second lane in the same visualisation then use the add line button. Copy and paste in the exact same query and then edit the lane number. In this example two lines will appear one for lane 0 and one for lane 1.

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