Creating Groups for data sharing
Groups are used if an administrator/ publisher wishes to quickly assign the same privileges on data access and publication to multiple people at the same time. To note, a user's organisational privileges do not change so for example if:
they are not a member of your organisation they will still not be able to see any other datasets outside of those linked with this group
a uSmart organisational user is a viewer, their privilege will only update for the datasets which are linked with this group
Step 1 - Setting up the Group
Navigate to the Management Page and then select the Groups drop down. Here you can add people to an existing group or create a new group.
Create a new group by giving it a name, user role and by selecting the dataset you wish to share with that group. On the next page add an email address for the first group member.
Step 2 - Augmenting Groups
Once created you can add to the groups by:
Adding more uSmart registered email addresses for each user who you want to join the group.
Adding more datasets that the group is able to access. A guide on how to do that is found