Searching data

Searching data

As a data consumer searching begins (whether signed in to a user account or not) at the uSmart home page, where you can search all available datasets in the search bar or select an organisation to concentrate on.

Open Searching

Next, you hit the “view all” button below the search bar and it will take you to the data cards page where you can search in greater detail with filers and sort options. Here you are able to see the data card for each dataset with the necessary metadata, themes and tags showing.

Only designated “open published” or “open request” data can be found in this way. It will also indicate if a dataset is visible as an open dataset or you need to request the provider to give you further access privileges.

Logged in searching

If data has been shared with you but the dataset remains private then you will access these datasets via your datasets page selected on the left hand menu as a logged in user.

Once in the datasets page, you can search for the datasets that you have access to either as a viewer or publisher by text and you can filter by key meta data components including date added, title, etc. An admin user can see all datasets for that organisation.

Once you have found the dataset you are looking for then you go into that dataset. Further information on how you extract the value from the dataset can be found in related pages.

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